About Us

The Company

[Version française]


At Garage Blainville, we work exclusively with Volvo products, independently of car dealerships. The most reliable car sales, repair, maintenance, body work and after sale service make Garage Volvo the best maintenance solution for your Volvo... All in all, 30,000 square feet entirely dedicated to Volvo products.

We strive to offer our clients the best service at the lowest possible price. At Garage Blainville, you benefit from an hourly rate of $109.00, while our highly qualified technicians' ongoing training translates to less time spent on your car and overall savings. Éli and Fadi Kassis, owners and operators of Garage Blainville since 1990, are the sons of a Volvo technician and have been around Volvo products all their lives. That's right: You always deal with the owner and your vehicle is always in his care - which makes Garage Blainville a trustworthy family business.